Read the documentation on its replacement, which should be used for any new development.
The TabNav is a wrapper container for building second level tabbed-navigation bars
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
aria-label | string | undefined | n/a | |
backButton | Back button text, href, click handler | BackButtonConfig | undefined | n/a |
duration | Set duration of lineTransition animation | number | undefined | 160 |
enableLineTransition | Enable fancy transition when changing active tabs | boolean | undefined | false |
showBackButtonOn | Which viewports to show the back button on | ("s" | "m" | "l" | null | undefined)[] | undefined | ['s', 'm', 'l'] |
stickyChildrenLeft | A JSX node sticky to the left | ReactNode | null |
stickyChildrenRight | A JSX node sticky to the right | ReactNode | null |
textAlign | Text-align: left or center | "center" | "left" | undefined | center |
Read the documentation on its replacement, which should be used for any new development.
Navigational items used in the TabNav component