
VCC UI is a framework for building web applications and pages with React that are fully compliant with the Volvo Cars Design System.

What's Included?

  • Primitive core components (e.g. Block, Flex, Click, Text)
  • Brand compliant UI components (e.g. Grid, Forms, Buttons, Navigation, Modals)
  • Design System Tokens (e.g. colors, breakpoints, baseline grid)
  • A powerful CSS-in-JS engine and has everything you need to build an application from scratch to scale.

Why use it?

  • Lower the unnecessary cost of design differences and implementations across product teams
  • Provide a consistent UX journey for customers and end-users
  • Increase developer happiness and productivity
  • Reduce time to market

Design Goals

  • Components should be fully responsive and work on all supported viewports and devices
  • Components should be able to render both server-side and client-side
  • Components are built with accessibility, performance and SEO best practices in mind
  • Components should be able to render in right to left languages (RTL)
  • Provide an interface for i18n and localization
  • Provide an interface for theming and branding
  • Maintain a small footprint, and keep external dependencies to a minimum

Browser support

  • Last 2 versions of Google Chrome
  • Last 2 versions of iOS Safari
  • Last 2 versions of macOS Safari
  • Last 2 versions of MS Edge
  • Latest version of desktop Firefox
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