
VCC UI Icon Button is deprecated

Read the documentation on its replacement, which should be used for any new development.

IconButtons are used to visually distinguish an Icon as an element that the user can interact with to effect a change. For example, a close button on a Dialog.

The IconButton is complete with all requisite DLS base, accessibility and interaction styling and should not be visually altered or extended.

Basic Example


IconButtons render visually at 40px x 40px but with a 44px x 44px touch target area for WCAG21 compliance. The icon itself is 24px x 24px.


There are three IconButton variants. The default variant is transparent and fits most use cases.

The media variant should be used any time an IconButton is placed on top of an image or video, such as for media controls.


Intent defines what kind of action the icon button is used for, the colors will change based on the intent. The default intent is primary. The destructive intent can be used for buttons with destructive actions.


To visually align an icon with other elements while retaining an accessible touch area, you can use the bleed property. It allows the IconButton background to bleed out into the surrounding layout, leaving the button to only take up the space for the icon itself.

This is the default except for the outline and media variants which have backgrounds or outlines that are always visible.


Icon Buttons that are disabled can't be interacted with. The visual style of the button also changes to indicate to the user that the buttons are in a disabled state.

Props - IconButton

NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value
aria-labelDescribe the IconButton's response to interaction @remarks Required, but typed optional as translated strings return undefined on first renderstring | undefinedn/a
autoFocustrue to programmatically focus on the IconButton on renderboolean | undefinednull
bleedAllows the background to bleed out into the surrounding layout, leaving the button to only take up the space for the icon itself.boolean | undefinedvariant === 'transparent'
disabledtrue when IconButton should not be interactableboolean | undefinedfalse
iconLoadingUsed to instruct the browser to defer loading of the icon when off-screen until the user scrolls near it."eager" | "lazy" | undefinedn/a
iconNameThe Icon to be displayed within the IconButton"alarm" | "avatar" | "blocked" | "calendar" | "checkmark" | "communication-chat" | "communication-email" | "communication-phone" | "delete" | "designyourown" | "device" | "extendedperiod" | ... 36 more ... | "time"n/a
intent"primary" | "destructive" | undefinedprimary
onClickFunction to be invoked on IconButton interaction(event: MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent>) => voidn/a
variant"transparent" | "outline" | "media" | undefinedtransparent
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