
VCC UI Grid is deprecated

No replacement is currently generally available.

The Grid components consists of 3 different components: <Grid>, <Row>, <Col>. By default, it has a max content width of 1320px and gutters of 24px.


<Row align="center">
<Col size={3}>Size: 3</Col>
<Col size={7}>Size: 7</Col>
<Row align="flex-start">
<Col size={2}>Size: 2</Col>
<Col size={5}>Size: 5</Col>

Props - Grid

NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value


Groups a number of columns and can align them.

A row groups a number of columns and can align them

Props - Row

NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value
align"start" | "end" | "center" | undefinedstart



A col component has a size to define how many columns it spans over.

The size prop can be used in two different ways:

  • Passing a number will set the column size for the fromL breakpoint while it defaults to full width for smaller viewports.
  • Passing an object with sizes for the available breakpoints:
    • default: refers to viewports from 0 - 480px
    • theme.breakpoints.fromM: refers to viewports from 480 - 1024px
    • theme.breakpoints.fromL: refers to viewports over 1024px


We also provide a debugging component that displays a fixed grid overlay. You can use it by importing it in development:


<DebugGrid />

Props - DebugGrid

NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value
disabledboolean | undefinedfalse
storybookboolean | undefinedfalse
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